Our mANDATE is to share the Good NEWS of Jesus Christ, IN OUR COMMUNITY AND THE WORLD
Awake City Church is a global, multicultural, inter-generational, courageous community of Jesus followers who have been awakened to the love of Jesus and His purpose for their lives. This presence-driven, missional community, desires to carry the light and hope of Christ into every corner of our world.”
Awake City Church.
For God, For People.
To wake the world up to the life-transforming love of Jesus Christ, and share this love throughout the world.
To catalyze spiritual awakening. Inspire, equip, and send out a community of everyday missionaries who will live and love like Jesus.
You are welcome to join any of the ministries in Awake City Church
Sermon today
Building Holy & Healthy lives
- Sermon from: Bishop Seth Barnes
- Today at 09:00 am
- 20880 MarbleHead Dr. Ashburn, VA, United States, Virginia
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We have a strong sense of community with believers.
Sharing our faith & love WITH OUR COMMUNITY